Obligation in France to inform about the blind spot
Obligation in France to inform about the blind spot

Since January 1st this year, vehicles with a total weight from 3.5 tons have to be fitted a sign which informs about the blind spot. A violation will result in a fourth class fine of minimum 135€, in the worst case even 750€.
Just as domestic cars, drivers of vehicles registered abroad who only use French roads for their transit must comply with the labelling requirement. Only agricultural and forestry vehicles as well as winter service vehicles and service vehicles on motorways and expressways are exempt from the obligation. That means despite efforts by the French motorhome associations, larger motorhomes must also confirm with this regulation.
It is expected that the sticker is fixed in a high between 0.9 and 1.5 meters. In addition, they must be placed in such a way that the visibility of the truck license plate, the lighting and the signalling devices and the driver’s field of vision are not impaired. There is the possibility to buy a legally complaint sign at the French Association of International Road Transport (AFTRI).
The regulation does not provide for an exception for vehicles which have already a mark. Only in a transition period of 12 months there will be no punishment for the drivers of vehicles with a comparable labelling.
This new requirement is intended to improve the mobility for other traffic members. Especially the danger from veering truck for pedestrians and cyclists should be lowered. Through the sign other traffic members should be more sensitized for this danger, so that they will stay in the save zone.
In Germany is also a new regulation to promote a higher traffic security. The bonus for scrapped trucks is tied to the installation of a turning assistant. The turning assistant recognize a danger and informs the driver or automatically brakes the truck. Currently there is no mandatory introduction of the turning assistant.
Regulation Art. R313-32-1 Code de la Route,
Article R313-32-1 - Code de la route - Légifrance (
Auto insurance registration App
Proof of insurance made easy:
Two young entrepreneurs are developing an App and making a contribution to the digitization of the Swiss insurance market.
They get inquiries from all over Switzerland. Obviously, they hit a nerve. There is a need for garages, but also for transport companies and even private individuals. Although they have so far only developed an iPhone app and did not advertise it. They themselves are amazed that people are looking for an app for motor vehicle insurance certificates.