Corona and lialility: The Swiss view

Walter Fellmann, Professor at the University of Lucerne, specialist lawyer for liability and insurance law, presents in this Videopodcast his overview of possible liability cases in connection with the Coronavirus disease.
In non-contractual compensation law, the question is whether the COVID-19 pandemia as force majeure interrupts the adequate causal link between a possible responsibility and a claim.
Furthermore, there are innumerable questions in contractual liability law: for example, does a contractual obligation in view of the Corona crisis still exist? Does the debtor have to pay compensation for late performance and is he liable for hazard?
Also, the question of whether and to what extent the federal government owes compensation for the consequences of the measures ordered by the COVID 19 Ordinance no. 2 of 16 March 2020 arises in the field government liability law.