Think Tank
Composed of ten members of various nationalities (Great Britain, Germany, Romania, Greece, France, Italy and others), the Think Tank of the Institute for European Traffic Law brings together experts, practitioners and professionals in private international law in order to discuss international legal issues and developments and to propose, where appropriate, recommendations to be integrated into Community law.
Please contact the Think Tank team by
Among other issues, the Think Tank has already worked on the following subjects:
The question of limitation periods for cross-border accidents, following the consultation launched in late 2012 by the European Commission:
In fact, European travelers who are victims of a road traffic accident in another country of the EU probably seek compensation for damages. Each European country has its own rules on compensation and also on limitation periods for filing a claim for compensation, which can range from one year to ten years. In some cases, if the limitation periods in the respective European country where the accident occurred, are particularly short, victims may even run the risk of receiving no compensation for the damages suffered. Similarly, travelers may be insufficiently informed about the date of commencement or suspension possibilities of these limitation periods. These situations are unfair to victims, and therefore have to be improved. The Think Tank contributes to this improvement by discussing and presenting harmonized solutions for the European legal systems.
The Think Tank is working about how to ensure the compensation of the injured party in relation to the diversity of applicable laws in this area.
- Work is also underway on questions related to the direct settlement of the mtpl-insurer, the compensation for victims in case of bankruptcy of an insurance company and the management of lawyers fees.
- Apart from these efforts, the Think Tank is also examining the facility of a database of comparative law, monitoring the Community and European law and serving information on legal developments by country. Access to this data will be restricted to members of the Institute.
Academic committee

The Institute for European Traffic Law has created an Academic Advisory Committee, a scientific advisory board of lecturers, working at Universities all over Europe. Those academics have a specialization in traffic law, especially third party liability and insurance law, but also in social security law and associated fields, which in the end belong to traffic law.
The Academic Advisory Committee represents all of Europe – thus also countries that are not member countries of the EU. We are always interested to get in touch with relevant traffic law experts of the largest European countries, but also interested lecturers of smaller countries, so that all European regions are represented. The membership in the Academic Advisory Committee is honorary.
Please contact the Academic committee:
The members of tthe academic board:
- BRENNER Michael, Prof. Dr. jur., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Faculty of Law, Germany
- DOBIÁŠ Petr, JUDr., Ph.D., MCIArb, CEVRO INSTITUTE, Department of Private Law, Prague, Czech Republic
- GRBO Zinka, Prof. Dr., University of Sarajevo Faculty of Law, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- KOCH Bernhard Alexander, Prof. Mag. LL.M. (Michigan), University of Innsbruck Faculty of Law, Austria
- LANDOLT Hardy, Prof. Dr. iur., LL.M. Rechtsanwalt und Notar Landolt Rechtsanwälte, Switzerland
- MARANO Pierpaolo, Prof. PhD., Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy
- MARIN Jasenko,, University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Croatia
- MARTÍN-CASALS Miquel, Prof. Dr., University of Girona, Spain
- MENYHÁRD Attila, Prof. Dr. PhD Dr. habil., ELTE Budapest, Hungary
- ORLICKI Marcin, Prof. UAM Dr hab. LL.M. (Univ. Potsdam), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
- PAVLIHA Marko, Prof. Dr., University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- RADE Christophe, Prof. Dr., University of Bordeaux, France
- TUCCI Andrea, Prof. Avv. Ph.D., Università di Foggia, Bari, Italy
- ÜNAN Samim, Prof. Dr., University of Istanbul, Turkey
Members are willing to give advice on legal matters to the Board of the Institute for European Traffic Law. They are willing to participate in projects and proposals of the Institute and provide on request an individual scientific contribution at the annual congresses, the European Traffic Law Days in October, and are in general also willing to deliver speeches at other seminars of the Institute.
Furthermore, the Academic Advisory Committee organizes a Europe-wide academic award for issues related to Traffic Law and recommends the price-winners to the Board.
For more information please contact the Academic Advisory Committee by
Law Days Team

Education / European Traffic Law Days /Seminars
Overall responsibility: | Prof. Dr. Staudinger |
Organisation: | Alain Kunz |
Content: | Dr. Martin Metzler |
Please contact the Law Days Team by
The aim of the working group is first of all to organise the annual congress of the Institute for European Traffic Law. Every year the European Traffic Law Days address practitioners from insurance and advocacy. For members of associations (automobile clubs, insurance associations, lawyer- and judge-associations) the agenda has to be so attractive that participation, virtually, becomes a (so to say) MUST.
Each time, the latest trends in traffic law are discussed and analysed. Our experts report in detail what is going on every year in traffic law at the commission and at the parliament of the EU. Furthermore, they inform about other important developments in Non-EU-countries. Additionally, they also report regularly from the Traffic Committee of the Economic Commission of the United Nations for Europe with head office in Geneva.
Participants of the congress are not only informed about the latest jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in traffic law, but also about landmark decisions in individual countries. Workshops complete the speeches where discussions about specific subjects are enabled. Finally – especially during workshops – suggestions are being developed which are forwarded to the relevant committees of the European Union and to the United Nations.

Overall responsibility | Christian Reinicke |
Leader | Bernd Höke |
Responsibilites | |
Newsletter | Michael Nissen |
Homepage, social media | Bernd Höke, Dr. Wolf-Henning Hammer |
The Marketing and Communication committee regularly posts interesting news and information about mobility issues online via social media and a monthly newsletter as well as on this homepage.
Please contact the Marketing and Communication committee:
Mobility Law Committee

Overall Repsonsibility | Jean-Pierre Telloli | |
The Mobility law committee provides important legal bases and court decisions on mobility and offers legal comparisons and discussions on the topics.
Please contact the Mobility Law Committee:
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