
XXII. European Traffic Law Days 5th and 6th October 2023

Conference Hotel Corinthia, Prague

The Law Days 2023 will take place on 5th and 6th October 2023 in Prague.

We are delighted to invite you to our 22nd Law Days. This is your one-stop shop to come together with your peers and receive insights you cannot find anywhere else. You will increase your knowledge, expand your network, and gain access to the latest developments in your practice.

Alain Kunz, Executive Director IETL


08h30 Registration (Front Desk)
09h00 Welcome address by the President of the IETL
Prof Dr Ansgar Staudinger
09h15 Modul 1.1. «Latest technical and administrative developments in the field of traffic and mobility»
(vehicles, drivers, infrastructure, behaviour)
Alexander Greenwood, InterEurope
10h00 Modul 1.2. «European Law: Jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice»
Oscar Riedmeyer, Attorney at law - Law Firm Dr Eick and Partners, Munich
10h45 BREAK
11h15 Modul 1.3. «Current News in European Tort Law»
Professor Dr Bernhard Koch
Modul 2: «International Claims Management»
Moderators Holger Backu InterEurope AG European Service Law and Jean-Pierre Telloli Bureau Central Francais
Modul 3: PANEL: «Crossborder cooperation - Challenges and opportunities»
Moderators: Luk de Baere, (B), Legal Manager, CoB, Brussels, and Petra Geerhardt, (D), HUK-Coburg
Pannel Members (tbc) Magdalena Eckersdorf (PL), Lawyer, road victims’ representative; Tchanna Boyuklieva (BG), Managing Director AVUS, loss adjusting firm; Martin Hoffmann (CH), Van Ameyde, loss adjusting firm, Susana Almeida Fallmann, InterEurope (D/P), loss adjusting firm, Vladimir Krejzar (CZ), chief claims officer and head of the Green Card Department, CZ National Green Card Bureau: hosting country, Emmanuelle VIGUE, Head of MAIF International Claims Dpt
End of the first congress day
09h00 Welcome to the second congress day: President IETL
Professor Dr Ansgar Staudinger

Modul 4: Key Note speech:
«Europe: Is Independence of the judiciary at risk?»
Dr. Karel Šimka, President of the Czech Supreme Administrative Court
10h00 Modul 5: PANEL: «Europe: Independence of the judiciary at risk?»
Moderator: Professor Dr Ansgar Staudinger
Panel Members tbc
11h00 BREAK
11h30 Modul 6: PANEL: «EU Road safety Package»
Moderator Martin Hoffer, ÖAMTC, Vienna
  • EU Directive facilitating cross-border exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences
  • EU Directive on driving licences
  • EU Directive on execution of driving disqualification with Union-wide effect

Panel Members tbc

12h30 Modul 7: «Presentation of the IETL ACADEMIC AWARD 2023»
Moderator Professor Dr Bernhard A. Koch
13h00 End of Conference closing remarks by
Professor Dr Ansgar Staudinger, President IETL


Registration for the Law Days

We are delighted to be able to keep the conference fee at the same level as last year:
Individual and corporate members € 750.00 and non-members € 850.00.

However, again, we have an attractive early bird rate for Members of € 650 (a discount of € 100) and € 750.00 for non-members (also a discount of € 100.00); but hurry you need to register before 31. July 2023!


To register online please click the registration link:



The Conference Hotel Corinthia is fully booked!
To book your room in other hotels nearby please click here!